Wednesday 5 September 2012

Prostitute - Judge? Love?

Today I had the privilege to meet with a young woman who was brave enough to share with me that she had lived the life of a prostitute for many years. She shared with me how she had grown up not knowing the value of family love, of a nurturing family, but she did say that while she was growing up and while she was working as a prostitute she prayed. She prayed that God would show her another way. To take her out of her situation. Gently but positively she gave her life to Jesus. She did not have a huge mighty revelation of His love and forgiveness she just came to a better understanding of His love. Her love of her new life is infectious and inspiring. She taught me so much today. I am humbled and I am so much better off for having met her. Speaking to her today and reminding her that Jesus used a prostitute to teach us about judging others and their lifestyles made her smile. He loved her through every encounter she had with paying clients, He wept with her each time. He never left her. My prayer for her is that as she shares her testimony that folk who listen do so cautiously and take care to not look at her in any way different. I pray that they love her with the love of Christ as He taught us. I pray that she is never hurt by anyone judging her and her past. I pray that she finds a valuable job and does not have to go onto welfare, I pray that her daughters are protected and she is able to look after them as she wants to. I pray that she is never tempted to accept another call from a "John". In Jesus name I pray for protection.